Diversity and Communities Conservation

Following landscape scale conservation approach (Bourn and Bulman, 2005), proposed project will help enhance the capacity of the communities for creating the habitat heterogeneity and its management along with butterflies conservation education in project area.

Landscape scale conservation is the coordinated conservation and management of habitats for a range of species across a large natural area, making a network of sites (Bourn and Bulman, 2005). Moreover, in the context of climate change, this approach appears to be the best option for creating the habitat heterogeneity likely to be needed for species with changing ecological requirements. Based on this approach, current project will help enhance the capacity of the communities for creating the habitat heterogeneity and its management especially focusing butterflies.

Habitat management training will be organized for communities, to help manage a diverse habitat to protect the butterflies’ fauna from the potential climate change impact on the habitat. Conservation awareness sessions will be organized with different community groups including male, female, students etc. to educate them about the importance of the butterflies and their role in ecosystem as pollinators. Workshops will be organized for the wildlife staff to help monitor the butterflies on long term bases besides monitoring the habitat diversity created by the locals.


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